Sunday, January 17, 2010


Hahaha.. in Dec. 2008, I was at a Celine Dion concert and in Dec 2009, I was at a Lady Gaga concert

So.. the new year..
I don't understand how some people can have a LIST of resolutions for the new year.  Realistically, no one will follow through with it till the end! I know it, you know it, we all know it.  It's like.. yeah, you might be incredibly enthusiastic about it in the beginning, but as time goes on, you start to find loopholes, you start to make exceptions, until you forget about the resolution entirely! Fine, maybe I'm really just using myself as an example, but I KNOW it holds true for the majority!  So my resolution for 2010 is:  Don't be late for more than 5 minutes! Realistic enough? I think so.  As of January 17, so far, so good!

Monday, January 4, 2010


Trying to register my blog through Microsoft Word.. because uploading photos through Blogger is a pain in the ass!! (the most recent photo that I upload will always show up at the top of the post, instead of where I place the cursor! GRR

