Monday, December 21, 2009

Git yo hurr did

Dyed my hair!

Nasty ass roots! ew


I think it looks a lot better! Hahah..

I primarily wanted a darker color because the lightness was killing me.. my hair really bothered me because my roots were so visible. Another thing I was going for was that I wanted an ashy color with blue/green undertones instead of warm golden tones.. but my hair color now seems to still have reddish tones.. kind of disappointed in that, but I'm glad the color is darker, at least.

Spontaneously after work, I saw a Sally's so I stopped by and decided I wanted to color my hair. I picked up 2 bottles of Medium Ash Brown and a bottle of 20 volume developer. My sister happened to be heading home too, so she helped me dye my hair. Yey
