Monday, December 21, 2009

Git yo hurr did

Dyed my hair!

Nasty ass roots! ew


I think it looks a lot better! Hahah..

I primarily wanted a darker color because the lightness was killing me.. my hair really bothered me because my roots were so visible. Another thing I was going for was that I wanted an ashy color with blue/green undertones instead of warm golden tones.. but my hair color now seems to still have reddish tones.. kind of disappointed in that, but I'm glad the color is darker, at least.

Spontaneously after work, I saw a Sally's so I stopped by and decided I wanted to color my hair. I picked up 2 bottles of Medium Ash Brown and a bottle of 20 volume developer. My sister happened to be heading home too, so she helped me dye my hair. Yey


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Got my Nikes on cuz they are real sneakers

Story goes like this:
I receive a text from R saying, "k I have something for you"

My immediate thought was "GUCCIs!?"
No idea why I thought that, but I talked myself out of it because he would obviously have no time to get them and in MY SIZE?? Should be near impossible! Wasn't even sure whether Nike would release size 4!

"something small, don't get too excited"

So that confirmed it would be something opposite of the sneakers! Nonetheless, I was still looking forward to it..

Later that night, he told me to go outside and gave me a kiss, saying that that was the gift.. until I saw BLUE from the corner of my eye.. He went to reach for it and I could not believe it. A blue box!? I was like "NO WAY, NO WAY, NO FUCKING WAY! I thought you said it was something small!!!" and he responds with, "size 4 is small!" Hahahah... I couldn't contain my excitement throughout my dinner

So it turns out, Darius went to Diamonds looking for his size, but the clerk says that they only have size blah blah and 4. Chris, goes and says "Who the fuck wears size FOUR!?" Darius gets to thinking and calls R..

R tells me later than F's friend from NY asked F to keep an eye out for size 4 for her. But he kind of assumed that stores weren't going to carry it so he didn't really bother to ask. But whaddya know, got my hands on a pair! Yay.. I can't seem to bring myself to wear them though.. they're so HOT

For those who want to know more about the shoe..

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sweet Dreams

I have had fleeting thoughts of designing/creating jewelry. Unsure of where and how to begin this quest. I hope I will stay motivated...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Last name Ever, first name Greatest

Sooo, Halloween is just around the corner!
We're going to Monster Massive again this year and it might be the last one for some of us..
I really like that picture.. taken about 7 months ago c: ..makes me consider dark hair again..! I was planning on getting my hair professionally dyed again, but I think I might just do it myself this time and try to just start trimming my own hair. My hair is way too orangey and light for my skin right now. Yuck!

So anyway, back to Halloween..
R wants to match with me this year so we finally decided and agreed on going as a sexy teacher & nerd! It's actually kind of difficult to find a good 'teacher' costume. Options are definitely more limited than that of 'school girl'. Hahaha.. so here's what my costume looks like...

Super slutty! But for the standards of Monster Massive, this is probably considered conservative!! Hahahha.. Steph said that it doesn't even look like a teacher.. looks more like a librarian or a .. stripper lol. I'm going to accessorize with glasses.. hopefully it'll come out looking almost teacher-ish? Can't figure out what shoes to wear though :/. Heels will torture me so I need other options..

In case anyone is wondering, I got that lingerie from Forplay.
They have 15% off all costumes and free shipping right now, so hurry! The shipping was incredible.. I ordered it on Friday before 3pm and received it by 1pm Saturday! I looove receiving packages fast c: I had called customer service few days prior to ordering the outfit and the girl was super sweet.. it was One Size fits all.. and I'm petite.. so I was scared it wouldnt fit me well.. But it does! So I'm happy with my purchase. So I give them 5 / 5 stars! Super fast delivery, sweet deal, and nice customer service line.

xoxox J

P.S. Can't wait to carve pumpkins!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

"I wish I could just live in your pants"

hahahhaa :)

Yesterday was Eva's birthday! I mean 7/16.
Which is also the 1 year anniversary of the first time meeting R!
We went to Boiling Crab, D&B (to discover that it closes at 11:45pm), and karaoke.
Then we went to the beach today for a continued celebration of her birthday..
Why does the beach make me so tired? :|
Fun times.. I like birthdays.. :D

Oh yeah, I watched Harry Potter: The Half Blood Prince
Don't worry, no spoilers.

I liked it a lot, but the movie just left me confused.
I haven't read the books, but maybe one day I will.
But probably not. lol
Well, I give the movie a 4/5. If you watch it, you'll probably understand why.
But anyway, it was still better than Transformers, I think.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hit me with your best shot.

Went to Vegas on the 20th.. it was one of the best 24 hours of my life! I love spontaneity :D
On Saturday, R and I decided to go for it and meet Fran, Christy, and the twins in Vegas.. So we..

drove to Vegas @ 6pm,
arrived @ 9pm,
got ready and went clubbing @ 11pm,
knocked out @ 6am,
checked out @ 1pm,
bummed around and started home @ 5pm
got home @ 11pm

That was basically it. I had such a blast! I <3>

Fran and I

Group pic

This girl asked for my


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can't predict the weather.

I pierced my lip on June 14! I can already forsee my death after my mom finds out..
Now my bottom lip is swelling and it looks like a little sausage! Hahaha

Also, I guess I'm not single anymore
Dated for about 2-3 months..

Not verbatim, but:
R: So I don't really know how to ask you, but can I start calling you my girlfriend?
Me: Wow really? You're lame. I'll ask you then. R.N., will you be my boyfriend?

and omfg, I got hella drunk and told R that I think I might love him!
What the fuck was I thinking?

Let's see.. what else is new
Not much else I can think of!

xx, j

P.S. Hangover is a good movie, UP is good as well. Terminator: Salvation was not.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I found God, on the corner of First and Amistad.

Today was a nice day
R wanted to have a little date day
We went to CPK in Brea
We walked around
Got new phone screen protectors
Mine was a little flawed, so I'm going back on Wednesday
Looked at posters
We sat on the curb
It's nice to have a little alone time for ourselves
Went to J and W's house
Played Dominion
I won 1 game out of 3
Now I'm home
About to sleep
Goodnight world

Friday, May 29, 2009

I'm on a boat!

GOoood Morninggg

A little, big picture update!
Excited? I know, right?

Those were in no particular order. If anything, they were going backwards in time because Blogspot uploads and places photos on top of the previous one.. and it's too much trouble for me to reorder them every time!

Yesss! It's Friday . Feeling good for some reason. But who cares for the reason, it's always good to .. feel good.. hahah :>

"I don't care if Monday's blue..
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too..
Thursday I don't care about you..
It's Friday I'm in love.. <3">

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You so two thousand and late.

Memorial Day weekend!
My aunt and uncle came to visit..
Went to Cabazon and my aunt bought me a BV bag! I'll have to include a picture of it in a later post..
Bought some tees to wear for the summer..
Went to 3 BBQs and the beach, watched Night at the Museum-- I'm so glad I was able to call off work..
I can only post pictures from my webcam for now because I've misplaced my USB cord for my camera.. so expect a bigger picture update in the near future, hopefully!
On the downside, I'm upset that I totally forgot about a homework assignment that was due yesterday.. So I can only pass the class with a 'C' now.. and I'm about to drop another class.. This quarter isn't looking too good for me at the moment :<
Oh, I have to remember to call C tomorrow to hang out or else she might get sore..
She's one of those people who consider you a best friend.. and you don't really care to call or hang out with her because she'll probably end up talking about herself :/


Friday, May 22, 2009

You're the best I ever had.

So I bought a wig on impulse last week..
I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets sudden urges to purchase things..
I'm not sure if I can pull off such a light hair color, but I noticed that the more I stared at myself in the mirror, the better it looked. Wishful thinking? Hahaha, perhaps...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Take me to New York, I'd love to see LA.

My first time at Medieval Times !!

Hahah.."A Knight to Remember".. cute huh..

Okay, this is kind of annoying.. when I try to upload photos, it places it at the top of the blog entry.. Does anyone know how to fix this? Am I doing something wrong?

k well, I'm off to .. do homework or something.. which is actually codeword for watch youtube videos and chat :|

xo, j

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Come back to bed.

Lol, so R and I learned to play this game last night. It was actually fun.. I felt the inner nerd in me rejoice as I played for about 3 hours, hahahaha.. Definitely give it a try if you have the urge to release your inner nerd :>

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The sky might fall, but I'm not worried at all.

So this movie was pretty awesome.

Not to mention that the 2 main characters are nice to look at. Chris Pine (James Kirk) is the rugged boy with light blue eyes, but I found myself googling over Zachary Quinto (Spock)! He has nice, soft, pretty features and quirky hair. His lips looked so soft and his porcelain skin.. Ah.. Hahah, his build is quite nice too... proportional :D

So I'd give the movie a 4.5/5
I would recommend it!
I took out .5 because the writers forgot to include a nude scene featuring Spock. Ha ha hah.. Giggly little fangirl? Check.

Photos: Yahoo!

Friday, May 8, 2009

I run this.

What a cute top. The zipper is seriously cute. I'm upset that it's sold out!! I love the skirt too..

Oh my gosh.. I want this one sooo bad.. but the smallest size is a 40!! I wish I weighed more just so I could wear this!! ARGH

Wow, and this one is nothing short of amazing. This would be the perfect dress for the summer! Too bad it's sold out too.. :<

Sigh.. Dolce & Gabbana, why do you tease me so?

Sloppy seconds.

So I just made a lame header for this blog, which was mildly fun. Anyway, the point I want to make is how simple and convenient it is to customize the color scheme/fonts for the blog! I was surprised--it's amazing! Well, not that amazing-- I just used that word because I was listening to Kanye West's "Amazing". Ha ha ha.

A welcome back.

So I guess livejournal just wasn't cutting it for me. I always find myself wanting to blog just to talk and share things with a faceless audience, but laziness often takes over. Now that I'm using a new vessel to communicate, perhaps things will change...